Tanking the Mystery Out of Retirement
Join the Region 2 National Preparedness Division and the U.S. Department of Labor - Employee Benefits Security Administration for a webinar on taking the mystery out of retirement.
For many Americans, planning for retirement is a mystery. This workshop that will help you unravel the mystery and reach your retirement goals. We will discuss a simplified, bottom-line approach to figuring out how much you need to save and how to make your money last over a long retirement. You'll learn how to track and understand your savings or 401(k) plans, how to decide when to start drawing your social security benefits and filling the gap in your retirement savings.
Who should attend? Individuals, families, whole community, community-based and faith-based organizations, small businesses, federal, state and local government.
Register now using this link: https://fema.connectsolutions.com/mysteryoutofretirement/event/registration.html
Date and Time
Wednesday Nov 8, 2023
12:30 PM - 12:30 PM EST